
Praetorian eVo represents the future of the DASS on Typhoon. Working closely with the NETMA & Eurofighter Long Term Evolution concept, Praetorian eVo offers the opportunity to realise a new DASS system architecture, providing both operational capability gain and capability longevity, all the way through to the anticipated out-of-service date for Typhoon.

The future threat continues to evolve at pace in an increasingly complex, congested and contested environment. Praetorian eVo provides the fundamental system architecture, extended frequency coverage, and complex digital signal processing to maximise the Probability of Exploitation against evolving threat emitters. Similarly, a new Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) architecture provides extensions to both frequency and spatial coverage, whilst enabling ever increasing complex countermeasure techniques.

Agility is fast becoming a discriminator in the digital battlespace. The ability to react and update in real time to the ever-changing threat scenario is a necessity. Praetorian eVo provides a software architecture designed for this agility, consistently providing the most up-to-date digital information to ensure maximum platform protection.

Praetorian eVo also offers the opportunity to greatly increase the integration of the DASS with the wider avionics weapon system, fully exploiting the extensive battlespace data captured by the DASS.

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